配电箱的拆解流程 |
添加时间:2019/2/15 16:26:21 浏览次数: |
配电箱拆解比较麻烦,主要是件大,品杂。一般由电线、开关、变压器等组成。 Distribution box disassembly is more troublesome, mainly large, miscellaneous. It is generally composed of wires, switches, transformers and so on. 1:先把电缆线从箱壳中分开 1: Separate the cable from the case first. 2:把各类开关拆下 2: Remove all kinds of switches 3:把变压器拆下 3: Remove the transformer 4:用拨线机拨去电线的外皮,拆开变压器 4: Use the dialer to remove the outer skin of the wire and dismantle the transformer. 5:进行铜铁等分类 5: Classification of copper and iron 铜卖到铜厂再加工利用,铁回炉加工成铸件和钢筋。 Copper is sold to copper factories for reprocessing, and iron is returned to the furnace for casting and reinforcing bars.guangdaon.37ix.com.cnchoushag.37ix.com.cn jiaoni.07858.netbuxiugang.37ix.com.cntuoliutayq.37ix.com.cn zujuji.37ix.com.cn |
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