低压配电柜定期检查 |
添加时间:2018/10/26 14:04:44 浏览次数: |
1.定期检查各柜内是否有虫鼠活动的痕迹,定期进行诱杀。 1. regularly check whether there are traces of insect activity in each cabinet, and regularly trap and kill them. 2.检查各警告牌、检修牌摆放位置是否正确。 2. check the warning signs and the location of the repair boards. 3.检查应急工具、灯具是否齐全、正常,摇把及熔断器手柄是否齐全。 3. check whether emergency tools, lamps and lanterns are complete, normal, crank and fuse handle are complete. 4.检查电缆接头有无发热变色(一般都为银色),接地线有无锈蚀(焊接点是否正常)。 4. Check whether the cable joints are hot and discolored (generally silver), and whether the grounding wire is rusty (whether the welding point is normal). 5.检查电容柜内的电容器外壳是否良好,有无渗漏、膨胀情况,指示灯是否良好。 5. Check whether the capacitor shell in the capacitor cabinet is good, whether there is leakage and expansion, and whether the indicator is good. 6.检查各电容器外壳接地线接触情况。 6. check the contact condition of each capacitor housing grounding wire. 7.做好各柜休的保洁除尘工作。 7. do the cleaning and dusting work of each cabinet. 8.检查各柜体的风扇工作情况。 8. check the fan working condition of each cabinet. |
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